What blood tests need to make to parasites

In the case of suspicion of infection of the human body with worms the implementation of the analysis requires to parasites in adults, the results are able to confirm the disease. Check the feces or the blood to discover in the test material, helminth eggs, larvae, Giardia or pinworms. Timely repairs help to avoid unpleasant consequences, to cure the dangerous disease.

Way infestation deworm

In medical terminology, analysis of parasites a study on the detection in the blood or feces of worms, Giardia, or other protozoa and worms. In the body of an adult, you fall in several ways:

  • by Pets;
  • in the case of non-observance of personal Hygiene with dirty hands, fruit, Can;
  • vectors serve as cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes;
  • Bathing in infested waters.

Doctors differ medical indications for testing for parasites in the Manifestation in humans of the following negative symptoms and signs:

  • Weight reduction without a change in the volume of the food;
  • Blood analysis
  • the itching in the back passage;
  • Pallor;
  • Fatigue, Fatigue, Confusion, Behavior;
  • Gastrointestinal Problems: Diarrhea, Flatulence, Abdominal Pain, Vomiting;
  • the strongest poisoning, if the worms are developing at a rapid pace;
  • Headache, dizziness, nausea;
  • minor symptoms of Allergy, skin rash, urticaria;
  • reduced immunity, prolonged stress, insomnia;
  • concerned about the low level of hemoglobin;
  • the increase in the morbidity of Menstruation in women, crashes, cycle, inflammation of the ovaries;
  • Prostatitis, cystitis, the risk of problems with potency in men.

Among the modern methods of the analysis of the blood for parasites, in which there are several sub-types:

  • Immunoassay – determined antibodies and antigens, the better to cost and long after the time method;
  • haemo scan a – shows, whether in the body of adult worms, what is your basis for life is;
  • serological parasites in the blood is determined to the study of sera, antibody to determine, but the disadvantage of this method is to determine the difficulty of the stage of the disease;
  • PCR in blood, urine, Plasma or Serum to determine the areas of the DNA molecules or RNA of worms.

The analysis of the blood on worms and Giardia, 3 ml of venous blood of the patient, presence of antibodies and antigens by Immunosorbent research reviewed and the. For setting the right diagnosis, the rules of delivery of the material should:

  • Tests are taken on Giardia in adults in the laboratory, the Material receives on an empty stomach in the morning, in front of the fence, only water to drink;
  • the last meal should be at least eight hours;
  • in a few weeks, you stop taking all drugs, in the absence of such a possibility, enter the dose and the name of the medication;
  • per day of fat-containing foods, eliminate alcohol from your diet, fried, cause you great physical stress.

The analysis of the blood for parasites

The analysis of the blood for parasites is mandatory for all in the field of medical care, education facilities, animals or plans, the educational institutions visit. In contrast to the coprogram, the modern blood tests for worms, provides for a more accurate result, giving the opportunity to pursue the degree of the Occurred, and the effectiveness of the treatment. Carried out studies of this type quickly and do not require a lot of time to decrypt.

The sad medical statistics suggests that about 3 people for every Problem of worms relevant today. Household transportation, office and educational institutions, Can shake unwashed and fruits, hands — all of these ordinary for every adult and child in the case, and the main source of infestation of parasites. Even if the symptoms are not immediately discovered, and in any case, the parasites cause a very negative impact on the human body: loss of appetite, favor the development of allergies, pain in the affected Organ, poor digestion, sometimes it can lead to death. In view of this, the need for parasites analyses for each of the Person (preferably a year).

Do not delay with the appointment, if it manifested the characteristic symptoms of Helminthiasis:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • Urticaria;
  • frequent nausea;
  • Aversion to food;
  • a strong decrease of the hemoglobin;
  • Irritability, or insomnia in children.

In addition, groups of people can call, the check should be determined every 6-8 months blood. These include in particular:

  • People who live in areas with frequent outbreaks of Helminthiasis;
  • those who work in educational institutions and in dealing with small children;
  • medical workers;
  • all employees of public catering;
  • Persons and animals, as well as their family members (veterinarians, employees of meat processing plants, the shepherds, breeders, employees of the circus and the Zoo, etc.).

In addition, the analysis of the blood to the worms, all children must be subject to pass in school and of preschool age, the need to visit in the foreseeable future, the school Cup. Explore pregnant the blood for parasites should, children on the eve of the vaccination. In addition, re-analyses of donations brought to the covered course of treatment from parasites.

The most popular and reliable analysis for today experts call the immunofermentnyj the blood analysis for parasites. The main objective of this high-precision laboratory-method — show in blood antibodies against a certain type of parasite. Immunoglobulins of the same (also called antibodies) are a natural response of the immune system, and have the goal to neutralize the negative Agent.

An accurate diagnosis and find out the intensity with which worm disease is, how long will it take for experts to manage, with the help of 3 different types of immunoglobulins:

  1. Class a will show up in the blood of the child or adult after about 2-4 weeks after infection. Almost 80% of them will remain in the mucous membranes, and only 20% in the blood. After the treatment, immunoglobulins of class A to not more than one month can be present. The re-analysis of the information on parasites, again, means that the disease has passed into the chronic Form.
  2. Class m are The most sensitive to the presence of the parasite. In the blood found on 5 days from the time of infection. Together with the fact, they do not last long — up to 2 months, and more progressive. Thanks to this indicator, the doctor, the conclusion about the presence of acute Helminthiasis in a certain time.
  3. Class G. to Appear relatively late — about 1 month after the infestation of worms. However, they are longer than half a year. They are used to understand how long a Person suffers from worm provokes.

Compared to other laboratory methods, Elisa, a whole series of advantages, in particular:

  • high precision;
  • the ability to determine the stage of the disease;
  • Versatility;
  • the possibility of its use for mass Screening of the population;
  • the adult and the child fits.

Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay is suitable for the provision of these types of Helminthiasis, such as:

  • Giardiasis;
  • teniasis;
  • Trichinosis;
  • Leishmaniasis;
  • Ascariasis;
  • cysticercosis;
  • fascioliasis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • echinococcosis.

Haemo scan a — one of the most advanced analyses on parasites in children and adults. With his help, they manage to reveal the following:

  • a certain kind of parasites;
  • the structure and the number of leukocytes;
  • the number of red and white blood cells;
  • Blood donation from Vienna
  • the degree of viscosity of the blood;
  • the state of the immune system;
  • the presence of fungi and viruses.

In contrast to Elisa, haemo sees only a few drops of blood from the Finger scan of a fence. The liquid will be considered on a sterile glass, and then carefully under the microscope. The number of increases achieved 1800-2000 times. You have to substances, no additional processing (use of enzymes, color, dehumidifying, etc.). In modern hospitals, the picture appears on the Monitor, but because the Patient has the opportunity to observe the process of research, to ensure that you are fungi and worms. Shocking can take a picture of the larvae of the parasites. If necessary, photo -, or video-recording research.

This is the Express method, because the information about their state of health can learn, the Patient, already after 10-15 minutes.

It is worth noting that as an independent method for the detection of parasites haemo scan of a is not actually used. The thing is that in the human body, different types of parasites with different location of the localization can be stopped. In any case, the Migration of larvae in the blood. Suspect the presence of worms, the reduced number of red and white blood cells (like some parasites allows you to feed on blood and nutrients), increased number of leukocytes (points to the struggle of the organism with parasites), a dense Plasma.

Not to reveal if 1, the method of worm infestations manage, the doctor recommends further laboratory investigations:

  1. Serological Analysis. Also relates to immunological variants, such as Elisa. However, in contrast to the past, the first not the blood, but the Serum has to explore the goal,. In order to obtain information, the doctor must the reaction between antibodies and antigens. Serological analysis is not performed for all types of worms, but just what the doctor has a suspicion. If in the body of a parasite, the specialist notice a clear answer.
  2. PCR-diagnostics. Not the way to find out the stage of development of worms infestation and is not recommended for use in the construction of all types of parasites. With their help, you can only find out there are in the human body simple helminths. The main task of the laboratory assistant, in this case, the search of DNA and RNA of the parasite. It does not matter, the parasite is dead or alive. Donations to the research have the possibility of each Material, in particular urine, blood, or feces. For greater reliability, such an analysis can be repeated several times to give up.
  3. Vegetative Resonance Test. The method is based on the determination of the resonance between the human organism and the drug. As the last of the different types of worms enter the information carrier. All of the data frequency of each kind of vermin were VRT by scientists in 1989 (what do you call this technique) takes place only in the laboratory and gives them the possibility to show the condition in which the immune system of the people in a certain period of time. So, with the help of artificial insemination the doctor can figure out whether or not the suffering of the body from allergies, a toxic, bacterial, parasitic effect or not.
  4. A large blood. Overestimated or, conversely, reduced hemoglobin, reduced the number of red and white blood cells, elevated number of eosinophils, the main characteristics, which make it possible to suspect, that the presence of the parasite in the human body.

Characteristics of the delivery of the analysis depend on which method to apply, and suggest the presence of species of parasites. In General, the blood sample is taken from a vein, and in some cases (haemo a) a scan from the tip of your finger. Enough of only 10-15 ml of blood, to make the diagnosis.

In order to provide the most reliable information, you have certain rules to observe completion of the clinical Tests:

  1. On the eve of the day of blood collection the Patient should not consume salty, greasy food (because it can change, the number of white white blood cells); products that cause allergies can honey, citrus fruits (increase the level of eosinophils, which also takes place when this Helminthiasis); foods rich in essential oils — garlic, onions, ginger (influence on the activity of the parasites).
  2. Better Material to donate on an empty stomach. Are allowed in small amounts of pure water.
  3. Necessarily you need to your doctor about the drugs that were used in the last 2 weeks.
  4. Not recommended for a couple of days before the test, all the physical therapy (including chest x-rays, ultrasound, x-rays).
  5. At least one week prior to the blood sampling drinks, and Tools, refuse from alcohol, which contain a large concentration of ethyl alcohol.
  6. From Smoking for at least 2 hours to give up before the test.

If the strong worm pregnant provoked suffered, the survey needs and the newborn. He had the blood from the umbilical cord or the placenta.

To the execution of the research, in General, technicians 2-3 days are missing. To spend a little more time (up to 5 days) in the case when the package is performed immunological research on the different types of parasites.

Decipher should only engage a professional to. The easiest for interpretations remain haemo scanning, and PCR-diagnostics. Either you discover the parasites or their larvae, or not.

More difficult is the Situation with a method called Elisa. The doctor is obliged to take into account the immunoglobulins directly 3 groups. So, the acute Form of the disease you can tell if it will be a combination of: immunoglobulins of the M-class positive and class A or G can be positive or negative. The chronic Form of the data reports: immunoglobulins of class M, and class A and G may be positive or negative.

In the case when one of the above-mentioned analyses showed a positive result, draw with the treatment of Helminthiasis is not worth it. After complete assigned doctor the course of treatment, a re-delivery of the analysis requires, however, this should be about 2-3 months after the intake of drugs. Not knowing what Tests need to happen, better to see a doctor-therapist, infectious disease, gastroenterologist, or the parasitologist.